The author
Mr. Bon, avid illustrator and founder of Studio Bon
Le Studio Bon was created in Tokyo in 2011 with a simple purpose: embrace the opportunity to meet new cultures with colorful artworks and original stories. My passion for the Japanese language took me to Tokyo where I settled 12 years ago. My designs found a large audience worldwide among people who love travel and art.
As a multi-linguist fond of foreign languages, I see drawing as an additional way of communication while traveling. Whether in the company of a drunk Russian in Moscow, an enthusiast Uighur in Turpan, a friendly smuggler on the trans Siberian railway or a Shaman in Mongolia, when the words run out the pencil takes over and facilitates communication.
This combination of travel and drawing gave birth to my posters, true memories of my wanderings, like the cover of a book full of stories and encounters.